2025-26 Missions Pledge

March 2025 – Feb 2026 we are pledging to support 3 areas around the world through our giving as a family.  We encourage you to prayerfully consider how you will pledge to give toward our goals for these important missions. 125 – $50/month pledges is all we need.  Together we can do this!  Let’s commit to build the Kingdom of God together through out the world.



The Caucasus Mountains

Our School Sponsorships goal for 25’26 school year is $15,000 of which all will go to further the kids education ability! Bill, Maggie, Sharon, Paul & Gloria have finished their schooling and are so thankful for all you have done to allow them this privilege.  Kayla, the Gulu team and others continue to have relationship with these young adults and we pray they will know and follow God all the days of their lives.  Amos is in his nursing program doing well and Barbie is joining him there for Lab Tech.  Scovia is starting at Institute of Health Science this semester as Bill did. These lives are greatly impacted thanks to NTC & God’s favor!    

Faith, Emmy & Alfred are working on their trade at Northern Uganda youth Development Center and doing well.  James is working on auto mechanics and Eric is about to start an auto mechanic program with Cambonie.  David is entering S4 at Restore Leadership Academy this year,  Davida is starting S1 and Concy is starting P5 at Gulu Primary.  We have prayed for these kids for so long, walked along side them and given financially to their care and futures. 

Since 2010 we have sowed into these people and this land … God has been watering all the seeds planted.  This is a year of Victory, answered prayers and fruition.   Join us in celebrating the goodness of God this month!  

We get to partner with  Life Church Uganda to church plant in Gulu by sharing our land.  We would also like to support these couples this year as they begin … $14,400 (which is $300/month for each of these 4 leaders).  This amount will allow them to provide for their families in all practical ways.  They are leaving jobs in Kampala and relocating THIS MONTH to Gulu.  Please be praying for them as they GO to build the Kingdom!  Our Momentum team will be able to go work with them and the interns from Life Church in a combined mission on the land God has given us.  What beautiful plans God has!  

EnCasa Church & The Wardenaar Family in Cali, Colombia 

Our fundraising goal for 2025/26 is to raise $24,000.  $12,000 for Encase Church and $12,000 for our missionary family the Wardenaars.

EnCasa Church is a Church Plant from NTC Massena in Cali, Colombia, led by Peter and Gloria Wardenaar. 

They started meeting in their home in Cali in April of 2022 with their family and 5 others. By the end of September, they outgrew their home and started meeting in our current space (a small cafeteria in a local seminary campus).  January 15th 2023 was their first official service and they continue to grow and serve their local community. They are growing like crazy and in need of a new building this year.  Please be praying God will provide miraculously for this!  They are also in need of being able to give more time to the church and raising up leaders.  They will be fundraising to cover more of their family expenses and need our prayers for their provision.  If you would like to join an intercessory prayer team for our Missionaries in Colombia please sign up here …  The commitment is to be praying weekly for them and when certain things arise to cover them. You will have a monthly zoom prayer call to encourage and strengthen them and quarterly attend our NTC missions prayer nights.   We are their covering and we need to step up our prayers to carry them!  Who will join me? 

We love to support, partner and bless our missionaries … this year we will get to see them here in the North during August.  Gloria will be coming for our women’s conference in May and there is an opportunity to go to Cali with a STORM team in July!  Let’s surround them with NTC family this year!  

Our fundraising goal for 2025/26 is $12,000 to support the Sokoloff family who moved to the Caucasus mountains in March one year ago!    

A note from our missionaries: 

Hello NTC Church. We are your missionaries sent to the Caucasus mountains. March 20th marks one year of us being on the ground here in the country of Georgia. This first year was full of many long hours of language study and ground built for relationships and networking with local believers and churches. Two big prayers have been answered since the start of 2025. Firstly, a couple has joined us to work alongside us in the training and sending of local missionaries. It has already been a great encouragement to us having them here to labor in the work together. And Secondly, at the beginning of this month, our prayers were answered and we got the keys to the building that will be the training ground for disciple making church planters. They will be trained and sent into villages and towns both within the borders of the nation and outside into neighboring regions where the gospel has not yet been preached. We believe that these unreached people are ready to hear the gospel, become disciples of Jesus and give all to follow Christ. This step is just the beginning of what we believe God wants to do in our mountain region. Thank you for partnering with us helping to make the God given vision possible.

Prayer Needs:

  1. For God to send the right local people who are ready and willing to give all and be sent into places where people haven’t heard the gospel of Jesus.
  2. For continued finances to be provided for us and the needs of the training center.
  3. For the nurturing of our children in this busy season of starting the training of the first class of church planters.
  4. Joy and encouragement from the Lord in this season that at times feels overwhelming.
  5. For our faith to continue to grow as we reach points where walls will only fall by the power of God and not by our human hands and abilities.